The Liquid Face-lift, the Y-Lift and the V-Lift, are just some of the names given to a procedure whereby cheek enhancement is carried out alongside the treatment of marionette lines, nasolabial folds and the strengthening of the jaw line, if so required. The result is a non-surgical lift of the mid face, achieved with minimal down time.
A full face treatment 'may' require a different approach, where both volume is restored, and skin laxity is improved. This is achieved through a course of Sculptra® treatments. Sculptra® restores volume by stimulating your own collagen production, gradually, over the treatment course, naturally restoring volume, providing lift and increasing skin elasticity. Course duration depends on various factors such as your age, amount of skin damage present and the desired outcome; this, as always, is discussed in depth at consultation.
Face-lift | Facial-sculpting Cost
Please see our Price Guide for Sculptra course prices.
* Dependant on a client's volume loss, it is possible to achieve a mid face lift by using a proprietary technique in which we specialise; Karen has developed this procedure over many years, utilising a smaller amount of product which results in a lower price of £300
Please get in touch to arrange a complimentary consultation...